Korean Invasion: The Craze Is On

Korean Invasion: The Craze Is On

What is very addicting with k-drama?

Have you experience seeing your friend likes every fb pages with korean names, korean food, korean store, korean movie, share korean blogs and even their lists of friends are all annyeong tae lee hee min jung?

Oh well! That’s what we call “Kinain na ng systema: Korean edition”

What seems to keep them addicted with korean world?

I don’t know who started this epidemic called K-dramas who really gone worldwide. In the Philippines, since then, they air korean series with tagalog dubs. But nowadays they are very much in demand with subtitles only and aired through online korean sites. And if you’ll going to air it on tv you’re late coz almost everyone already finished the story.

What impacts people with this dramas.

1. The Characters/ Actors – They are really good in acting like they carry you in their world.



2. Creative stories – I admire k-drama directors with their work. Really a caught-in-the-eye episodes.


3. Plot twists – Most of them every episode has this climax, and Cliff hangers wherein you can’t really stop from watching till the end. Sleep is for week. LoL.
4. Heartfelt emotions – Happiness, sadness, anger, surprise or guilt. You’ll really feel them as if you’re in the story.


5. The message – Of course every story has it’s moral lesson and some are relateable.
6. Foods – Wondering why? In the k-dramas they also feature some foods that’s very tempting like ramen and rice cakes. I’m sure you’re guilty there are times you cook noodles when you see ramen.
7. The OPPAs – Should I say any word for this?? 🤤


I know a lot of you are guilty to know this things. Honestly I’m not a super fan, I’m just kinda.. uhmmm.. okay! I’m addicted with it. They are my stress reliever.

Broken? You wanna move on? Watch k-drama.


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